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AntiVirus Software - Detects and removes computer viruses.

Attack Kits - Attack kits cover a range of tools used to generate income and other goods and services. They range from kits that automatically scan and exploit vulnerabilities to botnets. These tools may be used to provide services such as denial-of-service attacks, spamming and phishing campaigns, and finding exploitable websites and servers.

Autorooters - Automated tools that scan networks for vulnerable computers, which they then attempt to exploit using vulnerabilities in order to compromise as many computers as possible.

Back Door - A way to access a computer system that circumvents computer security measures.

Blacklisting - Maintaining a list of items such as websites, IRC channels, or email addresses that have historically been determined to be untrustworthy. Access to these items is denied while all others are allowed.

Bots - Programs that are covertly installed on a user’s machine to allow an unauthorized user to remotely control the targeted system through a communication channel, such as IRC, P2P, or HTTP.

Botnet - A large number of compromised computers usually under the control of a botherder (who is someone that controls the bots on the network).

Browser Hijacker - A spyware program that automatically changes a web browser's home page, even if one changes it back.

Cashiers - People who convert stolen goods, such as bank account credentials, into true currency, either in the form of online currency accounts or through money transfers. In exchange for the service, cashiers will charge a fee, which is usually a percentage of the cash-out amount.

Cash Out - A term used on underground economy servers where purchases are converted into true currency. This could be in the form of online currency accounts or through money transfer systems.

Check Channel - A channel that users can join to check the validity of a credit card number, expiration date, and matching CVV2 numbers. This service is automated by an IRC bot.

Crack - A method for modifying software or files to remove security and protection features.

Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack - An attack that attempts to keep the user from being able to access a particular computer resource (for example a website or Internet service).

Exploit - A program or technique that takes advantage of a vulnerability in software and that can be used for breaking security, or otherwise attacking a host over the network.

Firewall - Software or hardware that protects computer files by blocking unauthorized access.

Hacker - A person who infiltrates computers via the Internet.

IRC bots - Scripts that appear to users in the servers as another user. They typically perform administrative functions when the channel administrators are not present or they perform automated functions such as nickname registering or maintaining channel logs.

Joiner - A program that allows multiple executables to be combined into a single executable file.

Keystroke Logger - Hardware device or a software program that captures a computer user’s keystrokes. Keystroke loggers are sometimes downloaded inadvertently by users. Keystroke periodically uploads recorded information over the internet. Hackers use this method as a way of obtaining passwords or encryption keys.

Local File Include (LFI) - Vulnerabilities that are specific to Web applications implemented in the PHP programming language. They allow an attacker to specify an arbitrary include path for files that are external to a vulnerable PHP script. They are local because the attacker can only specify a path to a file that exists on the computer hosting the vulnerable application.

Magnetic stripe skimming devices - Small devices designed to scan and retain data contained in the magnetic stripes on credit and debit cards.

Mailer - An application that is used to send out mass emails (spam) for phishing attempts. Examples of mailers include worms and viruses.

Malware - Malicious software or malicious code designed to gain access or damage to computer without the owner’s consent. Common classes of programs of malware are viruses, worms, Trojan horses, macro viruses and backdoors.

Packers - A component used to reduce file executable sizes and, in the case of malicious code, can be used as a code obfuscation technique that encodes the executable code in a program file. Executables that are packed must be unpacked before they can be analyzed.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) Network - A network where resources are shared among clients, such as files, without the requirement for a centralized server.

Phishing - An attempt by a third party to solicit confidential information from an individual, group, or organization by mimicking, or spoofing, a specific well-known brand, usually for financial gain.

Ripper - A vendor on underground economy servers who conducts fraudulent transactions, such as not delivering purchased goods, or who deliberately sells invalid or fake goods.

Scams - An attempt to defraud a person or organization. In the case of phishing scams, the scammer is attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, credit card numbers, or bank account credentials.

Shopadmin - A term used in the underground economy to describe administrative access to online shopping applications. A shopadmin exploit is an exploit that allows for the administrative compromise of such an application.

Spam - Junk or unsolicited email sent by a third party.

Trojan Horse - Is a destructive computer program that masquerades as a desirable or innocuous program. Trojan horses allows thirds parties unauthorized access to computers, giving them the ability save files on the computer, observe users’ activities or even to take control of the computer.

Virus - A computer program which can replicate itself and infect other computers unbeknownst to computer users. Viruses can cause programs to operate incorrectly or corrupt a computer’s memory. Some viruses can spread across networks rapidly using up all available memory.

Worm - A program that replicates itself over a network, with malicious intentions, such as using up the computer resources and harm networks by using up bandwidth. Unlike a virus, worms do not need to attach itself to an existing program.

Zero-day Exploits - A vulnerability that has been exploited in the wild prior to being publicly known.

Real People.
Real Scam Stories.
Real People. real StoriesI had just been fired from my job when I saw an ad on a local classified website that said "help wanted" for a job "processing online ads". The ad indicated that there were only a few positions available…

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